Sunday, 21 October 2012
Episode 1 Script - Draft 1
Script for my 6 part series for Media - Episode 1
*All the audience can hear is a scene from a Will Smith movie*
*A phone rings*
Friend on the phone, Megan: Hey, you out tonight?
Jen: No I won't be, Will is on! I can't miss his movie
Megan: Are you kidding me? You promised you'd come out
Jen: Sorry but you know how much I love him, I will not be out tonight
Megan: Get a grip, you've watched all his movies, just come out
Jen: No chance, maybe some other time
Megan: Oh whatever, don't come crawling back to me when you've got nothing better to do than watch Will Smith, *laughs* grow up
*Puts the phone down*
*We see her bedroom, everything is based on Will Smith*
*She carries on watching the film, mother comes in*
Mum: Why aren't you going out now?
Jen: Oh, I can't be bothered now
Mum: You mean because you was arguing with Megan?
Jen: Oh mum, don't you start! I was watching Will
Mum: I'm just saying, don't abandon your friends! You can watch tv anytime
Jen: Ok, whatever mum
Mum: Now don't be staying up too late, you have college tomorrow and you ARE going!
Jen: *Sighs* Do I have to? Will is on This Morning and I don't want to miss it, he's talking about his new film
Mum: Jen, you're going. Your education is more important. End of, goodnight.
*Mum leaves*
*Jen sighs, carries on watching Will*
The morning after
*Jen is up and ready, goes down stairs, gets her dinner money and leaves*
Jen: *mimics her mother* Hi is this Mrs Mason?.... Yes, it's Jennifer's mum, I'm just letting you know that Jennifer won't be in until later on, she's at a doctors appointment, thank you, bye
*we see her hidden in a back alley, looking to see when her mother goes*
*after a while, her mother leaves and Jen goes home to watch television*
Scene change
*phone call conversation*
Mum: Hi, is this Mrs Mason?
Mrs Mason: Yes, who's speaking please?
Mum: Its Jennifer's mum, I was just ringing to ask you if she could collect her sisters on the way home, her battery must of died, she isn't replying
Mrs Mason: But, Mrs Reed you just rang to says she's at a doctors appointment?
Mum: I certainly did not. Wait until I see her, I will sort this. Sorry for the inconvenience
Mrs Mason: Thank you Mrs Reed, see you soon
Scene change
*after college/work, Jen is sat at home 'doing work', parents and siblings come in*
Dad: So, Jen my little angel. How was college?
Jen: Ur, yea it was alright
Mum: Oh really, what did you do?
Jen: Not alot, just usual
Dad: I bet you're gutted about missing Will
Jen: Yeah, I am cause mum wouldn't let me watch him
Mum: Enough Jen, you missed college and you're in serious trouble
Jen: What?! No I didn't
Dad: Jennifer, your mum spoke to Mrs Mason after you rang claiming you was at the doctors!
Mum: When are you going to listen to us Jennifer? You are missing out on severe amounts of college work, you won't get into University
Dad: Your mum is right Jen, start acting your age
Jen: When are you going to stop treating me like a child?! Leave me alone
*Jen walks out and slams the door*
Mum: Things are going to change around here, I'm sick of her attitude. We do everything for her.
Dad: Your right love
Scene change
*Jen on the phone to Eve*
Jen: Eve I am so angry
Eve: Why hun? Whats up?
Jen: My mum and dad have hit the roof about me skiving today to watch Will *laughs* they are really doing my head in. They do it whenever I do something to do with someone I am interested in, they just don't care.
Eve: Shit, do you reckon you'll sort it?
Jen: I don't know why?
Eve: I'm not supposed to say but....
Jen: But what?! Tell me
Eve: Well my mum was telling me earlier that college are organising a trip to the premiers of some ace movies for film and media in like 2 weeks! Big stars will be there, maybe Will and everyone else we love but DON'T say a word
Jen: *gasps* OH.MY.GOD are you fucking kidding me?
Eve: NO! How awesome is that? You NEED to sort this out
*mum shouts*
Mum: Jen, off the phone. Me and your dad wants words!
Jen: *sighs* Ok, Eve I'll ring you later, mother dearest wants me
Eve: Ok babe, let me know what happens, see ya
*Jen goes downstairs*
Jen: What?
Dad: Me and your mum are really disappointed in you, college is important. SO, from now on, we take you to college then you have NO excuses
Mum: Do you hear?
Jen: YES
Mum: Good and also, we've got you some extra shifts at work, you're not lazying around on your ass anymore, you've got work fridays and saturdays, as well as your days during the week for 3 weeks.
Jen: What?! Mum I have plans!
Dad: Jennifer, you're doing the shifts. Think of the money love.
Jen: URGH, you are so annoying
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Questionnaire Results
What is your favourite genre of television programme?

By asking this question, I have established that a vast majority of people enjoy comedy, so if I was to include some form of comedy within my 6 part series, it is more likely to become successful.
Which channel on television is your favourite?
By asking this question, I am now aware that the most common television channel is E4. So, my 6 part series could be on this channel.
Favourite programmes
Why are they your favourite?
By asking these two questions, I am aware of the type of programmes people watch and their reasons why. The most common reasons why are either the fact that they are funny or they are realistic. So, if I was to include senses of realism and comedy within my 6 part series, it is more likely to be successful and viewed by viewers?
Does my 6 part series interest these people?
By asking this question, I have now established that 50% of people aren't interested by the plot of my 6 part series, so I asked what I could do to improve on this and make my series more interesting.
How could I improve my 6 part series?
By asking this question, I was able to establish that if I was to include comedy, cliffhangers, a well known celebrity, a good ending and interesting storylines to keep my viewers hooked, my 6 part series would be more successful.
Do celebrities interest you?
By asking this question, I realised that a vasgt majority of the people who answered this questionnaire are infact interested in celebrities. So, I asked who and why. The people who are interested in celebrities, answered with people such as Beyonce, Will Smith, Mila Kunis, Randy Orton and so on. So, A List celebrities could be included within my plot to make it more interesting.
Do you have any ideas for a title for this 6 part series?
I only got two responses to this question so I could choose from meet the star or chasing the stars.
Are you interested in the lives of typical teenagers?
I asked this question to establish whether or not people would be interested in the main characters, being teenagers and a vast majority said yes.
I then asked whether the person answering the questionnaire knew someone who was obsessed with a celebrity and what they were willing to do for this person and also, who was the celebrity?

I kind of got some ideas of extremes this fan girl can go to within my 6 part series by asking this question.
By asking these questions to a variety of people I am able to create a 6 part series that can include their ideas which would more likely establish a wider audience and a higher success rate for my programme.

By asking this question, I have established that a vast majority of people enjoy comedy, so if I was to include some form of comedy within my 6 part series, it is more likely to become successful.
Which channel on television is your favourite?
By asking this question, I am now aware that the most common television channel is E4. So, my 6 part series could be on this channel.
Favourite programmes
Why are they your favourite?
By asking these two questions, I am aware of the type of programmes people watch and their reasons why. The most common reasons why are either the fact that they are funny or they are realistic. So, if I was to include senses of realism and comedy within my 6 part series, it is more likely to be successful and viewed by viewers?
Does my 6 part series interest these people?
By asking this question, I have now established that 50% of people aren't interested by the plot of my 6 part series, so I asked what I could do to improve on this and make my series more interesting.
How could I improve my 6 part series?

Do celebrities interest you?

Do you have any ideas for a title for this 6 part series?
I only got two responses to this question so I could choose from meet the star or chasing the stars.
Are you interested in the lives of typical teenagers?
I asked this question to establish whether or not people would be interested in the main characters, being teenagers and a vast majority said yes.
I then asked whether the person answering the questionnaire knew someone who was obsessed with a celebrity and what they were willing to do for this person and also, who was the celebrity?

I kind of got some ideas of extremes this fan girl can go to within my 6 part series by asking this question.
By asking these questions to a variety of people I am able to create a 6 part series that can include their ideas which would more likely establish a wider audience and a higher success rate for my programme.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Questions for coursework
Questionnaire for Media
[1] What is your favourite genre (type) of television programme? You can choose more than one.
Animated [ ] Action [ ] Comedy [ ] Soaps [ ] Reality [ ] Horror [ ] Teen [ ] Sci-Fi [ ] If other, please specify: _____________________
[2] Which channel on television is your favourite? For example, E4, Channel 4
Please specify: ________________________
[3] Please list your 4 favourite TV programmes and specify why they are your favourite, for example why they interest you, the cast, etc
1. ________________
2. ________________
3. ________________
4. ________________
[4] Would a 6 part series including a teenage girl, around 16-18 obsessed with A-List celebrities that goes to certain extremes but no matter what she does, it never goes her way, interest you?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
For either answer, please specify why:
[5] What could I include in this series to make it more intriguing to watch and successful?
[6] Do celebrities interest you? If so, who and why? You can specify more than one
[7] Do you have any ideas for a title name for this series?
[8] What would YOU like to see within this series?
[9] Are you entertained by the lives of typical teenage lives?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
[10] Are you aware of any other programme or film like the series proposed in this questionnaire?
If so, please specify _____________________
[11] Do you know anyone who is obsessed/in love with a celebrity and willing to do all they can to meet them?
If so, who do they love? You can specify more than one celebrity
[12] What are they willing to do to meet them? (following from question 11)
Monday, 8 October 2012
Initial ideas for Media Coursework
Storyline: A young teenage girl wanting to meet her number one role model/love interest/crush celebrity that she is obsessed with, i.e a well known A List celebrity, such as Will Smith, Beyonce, Jennifer Aniston, Rihanna, Rita Ora, Randy Orton, John Cena,Tom Hardy, Shia Labeouf, Megan Fox, Kim Kardashian, Jay-Z, Kanye and so on.
BUT on every chance she gets to meet her love interest, something stops her. For example;
Storyline: A young teenage girl wanting to meet her number one role model/love interest/crush celebrity that she is obsessed with, i.e a well known A List celebrity, such as Will Smith, Beyonce, Jennifer Aniston, Rihanna, Rita Ora, Randy Orton, John Cena,Tom Hardy, Shia Labeouf, Megan Fox, Kim Kardashian, Jay-Z, Kanye and so on.
BUT on every chance she gets to meet her love interest, something stops her. For example;
-current plans with family or friends
-getting into trouble and getting grounded
-school/college work or exams
Each of the issues will occur in one of the episodes.
1st Episode: We will meet the teenage girl and establish who she is obsessed with and aspires to meet. We will find out why she is so interested in this person and realise just how much she does love them (an unhealthy obsession). Also, we will know the extreme she is willing to go to to meet them.
2nd Episode: She will get an option to go on a school/college media/film trip to London where the celebrity is happening to premier a new movie/launch new album at the same time but money problems within the family results in her possibly not being able to, her parents say no so she decides to sell things of hers to earn money and find a job.
3rd Episode: She finds a job and sells her old laptop, phone and other essentials, she earns near enough money to go on the trip but gets her new working times and is unable to go to London at that time because she can't get out of work. She wonders what she can do to get out of it, she tries to swap shifts, sells more things on eBay but she is running out of time. She decides to lie to her parents and says she is allowed the weekend off work, her parents then agree to let her go.
4th Episode: The day has come for her to go on the trip, she is overly excited and just wants to go. She tweets the celebrity numerous times begging for photographs, signings and etc. She packs her things and takes her merchandise of the celebrity to prove her love, i.e films, cd's, clothing and so on. Her coach comes to take her to the airport with her friends/peers, she gets even more excited and as she is on the coach, her parents get a phone call off her boss asking where she is....
5th Episode: Her parents contact her and are very disappointed in her, they order her to get off the coach immediately for being sneaky and lying. She puts up a fuss, begging to stay on and that she will take her punishment when she is back but her parents say no and order her to wait whilst they come and get her. Luckily, the coach hasn't gone too far, she gets off and waits for her parents to come. She's mad and upset, when they come and get her, she doesn't care what they have to say, all she cares about is meeting them. She becomes very cheeky and rebellious towards her parents.
6th Episode: A few weeks have gone by since the trip and she still hasn't met them, things still aren't great with her parents and she's had to work a lot to make up for skipping shifts, she finds out her idol is back in the UK. Will she go? Can she?
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