The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
From the image on the front page, I interpreted that this specific programme would include comedy and drama. This impression is given because of the image we have placed on the front cover and the background colours. We have a clear picture of who the main protagonist, Will Smith. It is clear that he is the main protagonist in the show because of his individual image placed at the very front of the cover. However, the image of the family behind may give the impression that they are a higher status, because of their image being placed at the top of the front cover, above Will Smith's image.
Also the families clothing is more formal and 'posh' such as suits and dresses, where as Will Smith is in more chilled out clothes, such as tracksuits and chains - showing his lower status. This shows binary opposites between Will and the family which further creates enigma because we want to know why there is a difference, why they are involved and what is the story. The background colours on this particular cover are bright, wild and crazy which fits the characters in the show, if you are aware of them. If you are not aware of them, this same interpretation could be made and the show might appeal to them still because they will assume there is a sense of humour involved.
The family in the background are all looking in Will's direction. Their individual facial expression comes across as either happy/laughing at Will - further leading to us having a sense of comedy again (the smiles, or laughing, pointing and laughing, etc). Or disapointed/angry with him, (angry faces or folded arms, etc) again, leading to enigma because we want to know why ones are mad and why others are laughing.
On the back cover, we are given another image of the main protagonist. In this picture of Will, we see him as a prime example of the representation of masculinity. He is spralled out, almost like he is dominating the room on a sofa, with his legs crossed in a manly manner, looking like he hasn't got a care in the world and he is happy. The other two images are of him with other members of the cast, either up to mischief and again disapointing/angering the other cast or making them laugh.
Also, the bold, capital lettered font gives the impression that it's manly BUT the use of different bright colours also suggests again that it is comedy.
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Programme's DVD Cover Analysis 2
The Big Bang Theory

By looking at the front cover of this DVD, I am given the impression that this particular TV show is going to be a comedy/drama. I am given this impression by the characters facial expressions, they are either smug, silly or serious. Giving a further impression that the characters have different personalities that must clash together. I also feel a sense of romance between the female and the character to her right, even though she is leaning on the other male. I think this because of the eye contact between one an other. But, the fact that she does have her eyes on one male and physically touching another, gives the impression that she may be a bit of a flirt. Her clothing is normal and not very revealing, it just shows her arms and we only see the top of her body so we can't make any further judgement. However, her hair is a mess, she's very attractive and looks flirty. The looks between one an other creates enigma for the audience.
By the woman being placed in the centre of the two males, perhaps makes her the most dominant, maybe because she is a prime example of the 'male gaze'. But, the fact that she is the only female in the prescence of two male figures makes her an example of masculinity because she doesn't look particularly girly.
The broad, capital lettered title also gives the impression that it isn't particularly girly because it isn't fluent and nice colours, it's black and red.
When looking at the back of the DVD cover, we see the two males from the front cover in a long shot in their underwear looking silly, giving another impression that this particular television show. The other pictures on the back of the cover, give the impression that this woman definitely is the more dominant because the males are doing stupid/geeky things and she looks the complete opposite.
We also get a brief discription of the series which again should give an impression whether it is comedy. We also get the legal requirements.

By looking at the front cover of this DVD, I am given the impression that this particular TV show is going to be a comedy/drama. I am given this impression by the characters facial expressions, they are either smug, silly or serious. Giving a further impression that the characters have different personalities that must clash together. I also feel a sense of romance between the female and the character to her right, even though she is leaning on the other male. I think this because of the eye contact between one an other. But, the fact that she does have her eyes on one male and physically touching another, gives the impression that she may be a bit of a flirt. Her clothing is normal and not very revealing, it just shows her arms and we only see the top of her body so we can't make any further judgement. However, her hair is a mess, she's very attractive and looks flirty. The looks between one an other creates enigma for the audience.
By the woman being placed in the centre of the two males, perhaps makes her the most dominant, maybe because she is a prime example of the 'male gaze'. But, the fact that she is the only female in the prescence of two male figures makes her an example of masculinity because she doesn't look particularly girly.
The broad, capital lettered title also gives the impression that it isn't particularly girly because it isn't fluent and nice colours, it's black and red.
When looking at the back of the DVD cover, we see the two males from the front cover in a long shot in their underwear looking silly, giving another impression that this particular television show. The other pictures on the back of the cover, give the impression that this woman definitely is the more dominant because the males are doing stupid/geeky things and she looks the complete opposite.
We also get a brief discription of the series which again should give an impression whether it is comedy. We also get the legal requirements.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Programme's DVD Cover Analysis 1
Being Human

The Front Cover
From this image, I interpreted that this specific programme could possibly be a drama/mystery. This impression is given because of the camera shots and lighting. In the camera shot, we are given the power because we are above them which makes them the inferior ones within the text. But, the camera shot given to us, only shows the shoulders and upwards so, we are only able to judge these characters by their facial expressions and colour of clothing. The lighting creates shadows on each of the characters faces which creates the idea that there is a sense of mystery and 'another side' to the characters, further creating enigma for the audience. Also, each character is using the direct mode of address and looking at us, possibly to involve and intrigue us even more.
The clothing of the characters on the front page again create the sense of mystery. This is because, both male characters are wearing dark clothing that covers a majority of their skin which gives the impression that they are 'bad', where as the female character is wearing a light colour vest top. Someone who hasn't heard of this programme, who doesn't know the plot would interpret that the 2 males are the bad characters and the female is the innocent character.
In this picture, there are representations of masculinity. This is because of the two males wearing dark clothing, having a normal look about them and not being worried. Also, the picture of the male at the top of the DVD cover gives the impression that he might be the one who is superior to the other characters - which is a typical representation of males being the dominant character and the other male has his arm shown to show masculinity. The female character on the other hand, could be interpreted in two ways. One being that she is a representation of the male gaze by her seductive facial expression and her mysterious side, or infact that she is a representation of masculinity due to the fact that she is comfortable in the prescence of two males, there is no other females and there is no representation of 'the body' shown in her on this picture which shows masculine strength. Another example that shows masculinity on the front page, would be the font of the title. It's one block colour which isn't colourful at all, it is just a simple bold font with a plain colour.
However, on the back page the female characters body position and language has completely changed, her skin is more on show and her body is more vueable. Her chest becomes the focus area, which then makes her a representation of the male gaze. The male characters in this picture are still dominant to the female character, but their representation of masculinity has changed. Rather than being serious, they are more laid back in this picture. They are shown drinking alcohol, having a laugh BUT they are still placed higher than the female which shows they are the more superior characters. By looking at both of the images and identifying the differences, I am given the impression that there is two sides to the story and to the characters.
The 'SYFY' logo given to us is important because it represents a certain channel and a vast majority of the channels viewers are likely to watch the programme. So the logo is used to attract an audience.
The blurb on the back cover is used to give a brief summary of the plot and intrigue an audience.
The other items on the back cover are special features, technical pictured, legal requirements, age restrictions and etc so that the viewer is aware that it is a legal copy, the age requirement to watch it and so on.
The spine of the DVD cover is again to attract the audience and be more recognisable when it is up on the shelf. This particular spine of the DVD cover includes the title, which is in the same font. A smaller picture of one of the main characters, possibly because he is more known or the particular series is based on him. The channel logo amen the age requirement is also included.
The Front Cover
From this image, I interpreted that this specific programme could possibly be a drama/mystery. This impression is given because of the camera shots and lighting. In the camera shot, we are given the power because we are above them which makes them the inferior ones within the text. But, the camera shot given to us, only shows the shoulders and upwards so, we are only able to judge these characters by their facial expressions and colour of clothing. The lighting creates shadows on each of the characters faces which creates the idea that there is a sense of mystery and 'another side' to the characters, further creating enigma for the audience. Also, each character is using the direct mode of address and looking at us, possibly to involve and intrigue us even more.
The clothing of the characters on the front page again create the sense of mystery. This is because, both male characters are wearing dark clothing that covers a majority of their skin which gives the impression that they are 'bad', where as the female character is wearing a light colour vest top. Someone who hasn't heard of this programme, who doesn't know the plot would interpret that the 2 males are the bad characters and the female is the innocent character.
In this picture, there are representations of masculinity. This is because of the two males wearing dark clothing, having a normal look about them and not being worried. Also, the picture of the male at the top of the DVD cover gives the impression that he might be the one who is superior to the other characters - which is a typical representation of males being the dominant character and the other male has his arm shown to show masculinity. The female character on the other hand, could be interpreted in two ways. One being that she is a representation of the male gaze by her seductive facial expression and her mysterious side, or infact that she is a representation of masculinity due to the fact that she is comfortable in the prescence of two males, there is no other females and there is no representation of 'the body' shown in her on this picture which shows masculine strength. Another example that shows masculinity on the front page, would be the font of the title. It's one block colour which isn't colourful at all, it is just a simple bold font with a plain colour.
However, on the back page the female characters body position and language has completely changed, her skin is more on show and her body is more vueable. Her chest becomes the focus area, which then makes her a representation of the male gaze. The male characters in this picture are still dominant to the female character, but their representation of masculinity has changed. Rather than being serious, they are more laid back in this picture. They are shown drinking alcohol, having a laugh BUT they are still placed higher than the female which shows they are the more superior characters. By looking at both of the images and identifying the differences, I am given the impression that there is two sides to the story and to the characters.
The 'SYFY' logo given to us is important because it represents a certain channel and a vast majority of the channels viewers are likely to watch the programme. So the logo is used to attract an audience.
The blurb on the back cover is used to give a brief summary of the plot and intrigue an audience.
The other items on the back cover are special features, technical pictured, legal requirements, age restrictions and etc so that the viewer is aware that it is a legal copy, the age requirement to watch it and so on.
The spine of the DVD cover is again to attract the audience and be more recognisable when it is up on the shelf. This particular spine of the DVD cover includes the title, which is in the same font. A smaller picture of one of the main characters, possibly because he is more known or the particular series is based on him. The channel logo amen the age requirement is also included.
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